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Salwey Grauburgunder Gutswein Kabinett

The Salwey Grauburgunder (Pinot Gris) Gutswein Kabinett has a delicate bouquet hinting of apples and pears. The Grauburgunder (Pinot Gris) Gutswein is a showpiece of this winery from Baden in the hills of the Kaiserstuhl region.

The white wine is invigorating and elegant on the palate, with a balanced proportion of acidity to sweetness. Due to the skin contact during the long pressing, the tannins additionally give this wine structure, length and a dry character. This pure varietal, dry Pinot Gris comes from Kaiserstuhl vineyards consisting of loess and was aged in stainless steel tanks.

Enjoy the Salwey Grauburgunder (Pinot Gris) Gutswein Kabinett with fried potatoes and chanterelles. It is also an ideal accompaniment to breast of guinea fowl with mushroom risotto and carrots.

Wine type:
White wine
Ageing Potential:
Baden , Kaiserstuhl
Vineyard/Brand :
Grape variety:
Alcohol content:
12,5  % by volume
Total acidity:
6,0 g/l
Residual sugar:
2,9 g/l
Recommended drinking temperature:
8-10 °C
Filling quantity:
0,75 litres
contains Sulfite
Weingut Salwey
Hauptstraße 2
79235 Oberrotweil am Kaiserstuhl

Das Familien-Weingut Salwey aus Oberrotweil im Kaiserstuhl ist seit langem in der badischen Weinszene und darüber hinaus bekannt und wird inzwischen in dritter Generation von Konrad Salwey geführt. Die Weinberge von Salwey sind typisch für die Region und oft vulkanischen Ursprungs mit großen Asche und Tuff Anteilen im Boden, die meist mit Lehm oder Gneis durchmischt sind. Hauptsächlich angebaut bei Salwey wird Spätburgunder und Grauburgunder, einiges an Weißburgunder und geringfügig weitere Sorten wie Riesling und Silvaner.

Die Weine vom Weingut Salwey besitzen eine bezeichnende spritzige und fruchtige Art. Sie sind leicht, sehr harmonisch, haben angenehm lebendige Säure und eine ausgezeichnete Struktur.Seit Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts betreibt das Weingut Salwey Weinbau am Kaiserstuhl in Baden. Das Weingut in seiner heutigen Form wurde 1950 von Benno Salwey gegründet. 1985 übernahm Wolf-Dietrich Salwey den elterlichen Betrieb in Oberrotweil und vergrößerte kontinuierlich Anbauflächen und Erträge. 2002 stieg Sohn Konrad Salwey, studierter Önologe und Winzer, in die Firma mit ein und nach dem Tod seines Vaters 2011 leitet er heute das Weingut. Die Gesamtanbaufläche ist mit ungefähr 40 Hektar beziffert bei einer Jahresproduktion von 300.000 Flaschen.

Product recommendation

Salwey Grauburgunder QbA
The dry Salwey Grauburgunder (Pinot Gris) QbA wine is redolent of apples and pears. On the palate, the fruity white wine from the Kaiserstuhl vineyards in Baden is medium-bodied and shows a finish with subtle notes of yeast. The prestigious Salwey estate is considered the epitome of the art of viticulture in Baden. Look forward to an elegant white wine with fruit aromas typical of this varietal and a well-balanced proportion of sweetness to acidity. This Pinot Gris is - like all wines from the Salwey estate – fully fermented and thus dry. This Pinot Gris from the top quality Salwey winery is a lovely accompaniment to simple, hearty dishes.

From €9.60*
Salwey Spätburgunder Kaiserstuhl
This Spätburgunder from the family-owned Salwey winery in Baden shows an intense, fruity and complex bouquet uniting lovely earthy aromas of truffles with notes of fresh sour cherries. The Salwey Spätburgunder Kaiserstuhl is velvety, dense and soft on the palate, with subtle tannins.This red wine matured for 12 months in barriques of third, fourth and fifth fill. The Spätburgunder comes from top, original loess vineyards planted with old Kaiserstuhl vines.Enjoy this dry, pure varietal Spätburgunder with trout steamed in red wine together with bacon, onions and mushrooms, accompanied by pasta.This Spätburgunder is also an ideal accompaniment to poultry pâté with cranberry jelly.

Content: 0.75 litre (€19.33* / 1 litre)

From €14.50*
Salwey Grosses Gewächs Henkenberg Grauburgunder
This wine is an exceptional taste experience from the renowned Salwey winery:The Pinot Gris from the best vineyards offers aromas of harvested, ripe grapes, white blossoms and sweet honey, with a fine spice. On the palate, the wine shows a stimulating minerality and a racy acidity with a long finish. The lovely wooden notes don’t overlay the wonderful fruitiness of the full-bodied white wine from Baden, but complement it harmoniously.The Henkenberg soil is characterized by weathered volcanic rock and partly by loess loam sediments. The malolactic fermentation occurred in large wooden casks of 1200 litres made of Kaiserstuhl oak. In addition, the wine was aged for a long time in its leavenings. The bottling was done without fining and filtration.The pure varietal, very aromatic Pinot Gris comes from specially demarcated top vineyards planted with old vines and is based on hand-picked grapes. Try this white wine from Baden produced by the Salwey estate located in Oberrotweil im Kaiserstuhl with fresh pasta with white truffles and olive oil.

Content: 0.75 litre (€40.67* / 1 litre)

From €30.50*
Dönnhoff Grauburgunder
The Rhineland-Palatinate winery Dönnhoff on the Nahe is world renowned for its white wines. This Pinot Gris is full of character and intense. On the palate dry and strong, but not overloaded. Six months this white wine matured in traditional large wooden barrels of German oak. Its pleasant fruitiness is still very present, enriched by subtle oak notes.At the Middle Nahe the grapes matured. They originate from about 30 years old vines. Volcanic residual soil and loess form the basis of this fine white wine. Enjoy the Dönnhoff Pinot Gris as an aperitif or with fish dishes.

Content: 0.75 litre (€19.33* / 1 litre)

From €14.50*
Pfaffmann Grauburgunder 'MP' QbA trocken
Der Grauburgunder QbA trocken "MP" erfreut den Geruchssinn mit einem frischen, fruchtigen Bouquet aus Kräutern und Williamsbirne, mit einem Hauch von Apfelschale und Orange. Am Gaumen entfaltet der feinsaftige Qualitätswein eine belebende Komposition aus gelben Früchten, Blüten und Kräutern. Zum festen Körper des ausdrucksstarken Weißweins gesellen sich nussige und mineralische Nuancen und ein fruchtiger Abgang.Das Walsheimer Weingut Karl Pfaffmann produziert den trockenen Grauburgunder bei kühler Gärung, mit anschließender Lagerung in Edelstahlbehältern und Potenzial zur Nachreifung nach der Abfüllung. Die traditionsreichen Grauburgunder-Reben profitieren von der hohen Anzahl an Sonnentagen in den Weinbergen an der Südlichen Weinstraße in Rheinland-Pfalz. Sie ergeben einen eleganten, jugendlichen Qualitätswein von heller bis goldgelber Farbe, dessen belebender, fruchtiger Geschmack sich bei einer gekühlten Serviertemperatur optimal entfaltet. Der wunderbare Grauburgunder "MP" ist ein idealer Begleiter zu leichter Küche an warmen Tagen.

Content: 0.75 litre (€9.27* / 1 litre)

From €6.95*
Steffen Grauburgunder Cuvée 52
White grape, which belongs to the family of sophisticated burgundy vines. Today the grape is spread worldwide. Depending on the time of reading it moves to the fermented wine yeast storage represents a light, fresh dry Burgundy.This wine is an ideal accompaniment to fish, poultry and white meat.

Content: 0.75 litre (€8.93* / 1 litre)

From €6.70*

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Content: 0.75 litre (€12.80* / 1 litre)

From €9.60*
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Thomas Hensel is one of 20 wineries in Bad Dürkheim. His 17-hectare vineyard is located next to the local "airport" (airfield). Thomas is 35 years young, ambitious, energetic and courageous enough to be innovative. Classic Burgundy with notes of fresh leaves, hazelnuts and a hint of vanilla. By a subtle use of oak barrels the wine gains in complexity and flavor, without losing its freshness and unique character. On the palate it is dynamic and fresh with very lean structure.

Content: 0.75 litre (€12.93* / 1 litre)

From €9.70*
Königschaffhauser Vulkanfelsen Grauer Burgunder, trocken
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Content: 0.75 litre (€11.67* / 1 litre)

Salwey Grauburgunder QbA
The dry Salwey Grauburgunder (Pinot Gris) QbA wine is redolent of apples and pears. On the palate, the fruity white wine from the Kaiserstuhl vineyards in Baden is medium-bodied and shows a finish with subtle notes of yeast. The prestigious Salwey estate is considered the epitome of the art of viticulture in Baden. Look forward to an elegant white wine with fruit aromas typical of this varietal and a well-balanced proportion of sweetness to acidity. This Pinot Gris is - like all wines from the Salwey estate – fully fermented and thus dry. This Pinot Gris from the top quality Salwey winery is a lovely accompaniment to simple, hearty dishes.

From €9.60*
Salwey Spätburgunder Kaiserstuhl
This Spätburgunder from the family-owned Salwey winery in Baden shows an intense, fruity and complex bouquet uniting lovely earthy aromas of truffles with notes of fresh sour cherries. The Salwey Spätburgunder Kaiserstuhl is velvety, dense and soft on the palate, with subtle tannins.This red wine matured for 12 months in barriques of third, fourth and fifth fill. The Spätburgunder comes from top, original loess vineyards planted with old Kaiserstuhl vines.Enjoy this dry, pure varietal Spätburgunder with trout steamed in red wine together with bacon, onions and mushrooms, accompanied by pasta.This Spätburgunder is also an ideal accompaniment to poultry pâté with cranberry jelly.

Content: 0.75 litre (€19.33* / 1 litre)

From €14.50*