(S) 3er Probierpaket Matsu Rotweine


Content: 2.25 litre (€24.44* / 1 litre)
Product number: 9964180

Available, delivery time 2-3 working days

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Eine Familie zum Genießen! Diese Rotweine beschreiten neue Wege und spiegeln die Philosophie des Weingutes, dass jeder Wein seine eigene Zeit zum Wachen und Reifen hat, wider. Matsu bedeutet auf Japanisch „Warten“. Wir warten nicht länger! Probieren Sie alle drei Matsu-Weine aus Spanien jetzt im Probierpaket und sparen Sie gegenüber dem Einzelpreis.

Matsu El Picaro (0,75 l, 14,5%ABv), Art-Nr. 1806457, trocken

Der jüngste im Bunde ist El Picaro und bedeutet übersetzt „der Schurke“. Der 100%ige, vegane Tempranillo, hier auch Tinto de Toro genannt, wird biodynamisch angebaut. Im Glas strahlt der Matsu El Picaro mit einer intensiven, violetten Farbe. Das Bouquet besteht aus durchdringenden Aromen von schwarzen Früchten, wie Brombeere und Blaubeere. Mineralische Noten werden hier wunderbar von einer leichten Süße umgeben. Am Gaumen dominieren reife Trauben, die diesen spanischen Rotwein vollmundig und kräftig machen.

Genießen Sie diesen Matsu-Wein solo oder in Kombination mit mittelschweren Gerichten.

Matsu El Recio (0,75 l. 14,5%ABv), Art-Nr. 1806458, trocken

Der zweite der Familie ist El Recio und bedeutet „der Starke“. Der intensiv nach Schokolade, Vanille und dunklen Früchten duftende, vegane Wein stammt aus 90 bis 100 Jahre alten Rebstöcken. Er besitzt eine besondere Cremigkeit, welche durch mineralische und fruchtige Aromen geprägt wird. Die charakteristische Kraft der Toro-Rotweine ist mit einer hervorragenden Weichheit am Gaumen kombiniert.

Genießen Sie den veganen Matsu El Recio zu Grillgerichten oder kräftigen Eintöpfen.

Matsu El Viejo (0,75 l, 15,0%ABv), Art-Nr. 1806459, trocken

Zum Trio wird die Weinfamilie von El Viejo und bedeutet übersetzt „der Alte“. Der Wein besitzt eine kirschrote Farbe mit violetten Reflexen an den Rändern. Das Bouquet besteht aus schwarzen Früchten, Rauch- und Gewürznoten, sowie Röstaromen, die aus der Fassreifung resultieren. Am Gaumen zeigt sich der Rotwein fleischig reif und rund. Tannine sind deutlich wahrnehmbar, aber feingeschliffen und geben dadurch den spanischen Rotwein eine leichte Süße. Der Abgang unterstreicht nochmals die Harmonie zwischen Frucht und den Holzaromen. Dieser spanische Wein aus der Region Toro ist vegan.

Der Matsu El Viejo ist ein hervorragender Begleiter zu kräftigen Soßen oder gereiften und intensiven Käsesorten.

Abgabe von einem Wein-Probierpaket pro Bestellung.

Vineyard/Brand :
Grape variety:
Tinta de Toro
Recommended drinking temperature:
16-18 °C
Filling quantity:
2,25 litres
contains Sulfite
Bodega Matsu - Vintae
C/ General Vara de Rey 5
26003 Logroño - La Rioja

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Matsu El Picaro
The Matsu El Picaro comes from the wine-growing region of Toro in northwestern Spain. This young wine is a pure varietal Tempranillo, which is known as Tinta de Toro in the Toro region. The grapes are biodynamically cultivated. The wine is an intense purple in the glass. Its bouquet is characterised by persistent aromas of black fruit such as blackberries or bilberries. The mineral notes are wonderfully fresh and complex, surrounded by a light sweetness. Fruit and fullness predominate on the palate as well, resulting from the ripe grapes. Despite its youth, the wine is extremely full-bodied and powerful, due to the ageing in French oak casks and the fact that aggressive filtering and clarification were deliberately avoided.The Matsu El Picaro is vegan and a marvellous delight to enjoy on its own but is also a good accompaniment to moderately hearty dishes.

Content: 0.75 litre (€11.60* / 1 litre)

From €8.70*
Matsu El Recio
The Matsu El Recio is a vegan, biodynamically cultivated red wine. The grapes come from vines that are 90 to 100 years old. Fermentation ensued in stainless steel tanks for a period of 3 weeks, while the subsequent malolactic fermentation was carried out in French oak casks. The wine was aged for 14 months in French oak casks as well. This Crianza was not filtered and was gently clarified, resulting in an exceptionally sophisticated and full-bodied wine. The Matsu El Recio offers intense fragrances of chocolate, vanilla and dark fruit. On the palate, the wine is silky and round. The subtle finish is characterised by a special creaminess and mineral, fruity notes. The characteristic power of the Toro wines is combined with a superb softness on the palate.This filigree Matsu El Recio goes beautifully with grilled dishes and hearty stews.

Content: 0.75 litre (€20.33* / 1 litre)

From €15.25*
Matsu El Viejo
The Toro region in northwestern Spain is renowned for intense and powerful wines. The Matsu El Viejo is additionally equipped with elegance and finesse, reflecting the flawless artistry of winemaking with the Tempranillo grape, which is known as Tinta de Toro in this region.The Matsu El Viejo, which means ‘the old man’, is a selection of grapes from vineyards that are more than 100 years old. The vines in these low-yield vineyards are biodynamically cultivated. After the fermentation and the subsequent malolactic fermentation, the wine matured for 16 months in French oak casks. The wine was deliberately not filtered, thus preserving its full aroma structure. The Matsu El Viejo is a deep cherry-red in the glass with purple glints on the rim. It has a wonderfully intense bouquet of black fruit. Due to the ageing in casks, the Matsu El Viejo shows roast aromas and notes of smoke and spices that are wonderfully structured and integrated. On the palate, the wine is fleshy, ripe and round. The noticeable but fine tannins give the El Viejo a light sweetness. The finish is once again characterised by the harmony between fruit and wood aromas.The Matsu El Viejo is a typical accompaniment to meals, and stands up well to  hearty sauces and intensely flavoured grilled dishes. We recommend trying this amazing wine with blue cheeses.

Content: 0.75 litre (€47.87* / 1 litre)

Probierpaket 19 Crimes
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Content: 4.5 litre (€13.22* / 1 litre)

3er Probierpaket Premium Weine aus Apulien
Probieren Sie diese drei Premium-Rotweine aus Apulien und sparen Sie gegenüber dem Einzelkauf.Varvaglione Collezione Privata Cosimo Primitivo di Manduria, halbtrocken (0,75 l, 15,0% vol.), Art-Nr. 1501793, Varvaglione, ItalienDer samtweiche Gaumenschmeichler hat eine dezente Süße und einen einladenden Nachhall.San Marzano Sessantanni Primitivo di Manduria, halbtrocken (0,75 l, 14,5% vol.), Art-Nr. 1505409, San Marzano, ItalienDas Bouquet betört mit Aromen von Heidelbeeren, Kirschen, Brombeeren und Pflaumen sowie Noten von Zedernholz, Mocca, Nougat, Tabak und einem Hauch Anis.Paradiso 1954 Primitivo IGP Puglia, trocken (0,75 l, 15,0% vol.), Art-Nr. 1541177 Cantine Paradiso, ItalienAm Gaumen umschmeichelt der Rotwein die Sinne mit Eleganz und Kraft. Eine unglaubliche Saftigkeit und Frische gipfeln in sanften Tanninen.Delivery of one package per order.Importeur/Abfüller:VARVAGLIONE VIGNE & VINI SRL, Contrada Santa Lucia s.n.c., 74020 LEPORANO (Taranto), ItalienCantine San Marzano, Via Regina Margherita 149, 74020 San Marzano di San Giuseppe (TA), ItalienCantine Paradiso, Via Manfredonia 39, 71042 Cerignola (FG), Italien

Content: 2.25 litre (€22.18* / 1 litre)


Product recommendation

El Coto Crianza DOC
Intense ruby red color of the famous Tempranillo grape.Perfect combination of red berries and subtle vanilla oak nuances of the storage.Soft tannins and excellent structure. Long finish, accompanied by fresh fruit. Not too complex, very harmonious and soft.

Content: 0.75 litre (€10.27* / 1 litre)

From €7.70*
3 Reserva aus Spanien
Try three different Reserva from the Spain and get the discount.Bodegas LAN Reserva (0,75 l, 13,5%ABv), Art-Nr. 1806543A wine with much complexity, intense, well-structured finish.Bodegas Olarra Cerro Anon Reserva Rioja DOCa (0,75 l, 14,0%ABv), Art-Nr. 1854893 The taste reminds of chocolate, caramel and dried fruits.Coto de Imaz Reserva (0,75 l, 13,5%ABv), Art-Nr. 1809206Delicately balanced with noticeable, but incredibly soft and mild tannins.Delivery of one package per order.

Content: 2.25 litre (€14.62* / 1 litre)

Ego Bodegas Goru 38 Barrels DO
Das Bukett des Ego Bodegas Goru 38 Barrels DO vereint delikate Noten von schwarzen Früchten (Himbeeren, süßliches Pflaumenkompott, Kirschen), die wunderbar mit feinen Röstaromen harmonieren. Am Gaumen ist dieser herausragende Rotwein samtig und warm, mit reifen, süßlichen Tanninen, herrlicher Fruchtigkeit und schönen Nuancen von Karamell. Tolle Eleganz und Struktur.

Content: 0.75 litre (€28.00* / 1 litre)

The Guv'nor Tinto
Dieser Tempranillo ist einfach ein Vergnügen: Der The Guv'nor duftet herrlich anregend nach schwarzen und roten Beeren sowie feinen Nuancen von Vanille und Röstaromen. Welchen Wein würden Winzer nach getaner Arbeit gern trinken? Auf diese Frage soll dieser spanische Rotwein eine Antwort geben. Er tut es. Am Gaumen saftig und fruchtig, mit weichen Tanninen.

Content: 0.75 litre (€9.93* / 1 litre)

From €7.45*
Matsu El Viejo
The Toro region in northwestern Spain is renowned for intense and powerful wines. The Matsu El Viejo is additionally equipped with elegance and finesse, reflecting the flawless artistry of winemaking with the Tempranillo grape, which is known as Tinta de Toro in this region.The Matsu El Viejo, which means ‘the old man’, is a selection of grapes from vineyards that are more than 100 years old. The vines in these low-yield vineyards are biodynamically cultivated. After the fermentation and the subsequent malolactic fermentation, the wine matured for 16 months in French oak casks. The wine was deliberately not filtered, thus preserving its full aroma structure. The Matsu El Viejo is a deep cherry-red in the glass with purple glints on the rim. It has a wonderfully intense bouquet of black fruit. Due to the ageing in casks, the Matsu El Viejo shows roast aromas and notes of smoke and spices that are wonderfully structured and integrated. On the palate, the wine is fleshy, ripe and round. The noticeable but fine tannins give the El Viejo a light sweetness. The finish is once again characterised by the harmony between fruit and wood aromas.The Matsu El Viejo is a typical accompaniment to meals, and stands up well to  hearty sauces and intensely flavoured grilled dishes. We recommend trying this amazing wine with blue cheeses.

Content: 0.75 litre (€47.87* / 1 litre)

Matsu El Recio
The Matsu El Recio is a vegan, biodynamically cultivated red wine. The grapes come from vines that are 90 to 100 years old. Fermentation ensued in stainless steel tanks for a period of 3 weeks, while the subsequent malolactic fermentation was carried out in French oak casks. The wine was aged for 14 months in French oak casks as well. This Crianza was not filtered and was gently clarified, resulting in an exceptionally sophisticated and full-bodied wine. The Matsu El Recio offers intense fragrances of chocolate, vanilla and dark fruit. On the palate, the wine is silky and round. The subtle finish is characterised by a special creaminess and mineral, fruity notes. The characteristic power of the Toro wines is combined with a superb softness on the palate.This filigree Matsu El Recio goes beautifully with grilled dishes and hearty stews.

Content: 0.75 litre (€20.33* / 1 litre)

From €15.25*